Intro: Renee, the momma

Though most of you reading this right now will know my story from travelling this journey with me, I'll do a bit of a recap of things for future readers.

As you can guess by the title, I have two boys, who are "Twice exceptional" - gifted and dealing with some other disorder.  In our case it's Sensory Processing Disorder. Now, technically only my oldest, Ben (5) has been evaluated, but experience and observation have shown us that our youngest, Zach (2.5), is also dealing with a lot of the same issues. 

This blog will cover our experiences in finding balance in life. I have a full plate. My husband and I have our own business, which enables us both to be at home with our children, but also puts a strain on us financially.  My husband works about 15-18 hours of the day, while I taking care of the boys and the housework (not well, let me tell you)!  Added to that we have started homeschooling B, and it's really chaotic in our house of a day.

We are working on changing our routines, commitments and our expectations, in the hopes that we will all lead a happier, calmer, daily life.

A few things I'd like to get out of the way though: 

1) I am by no means a writer.  I write like I'm talking to someone - to you! I'm going to make mistakes, I guarantee it. Especially considering I only have time to write at about 10pm most nights.  I am open to correction, but please be gentle. 

2) I use smilies a lot.  Probably more than I should. Just a warning. ;)

3) I am not a photographer. If I share pictures, they will be candid shots, taken with my camera phone. Probably blurry because my kids never sit still long enough for the picture to snap. If the mister is feeling creative it might be one of his snaps.  I have been encouraging his interest in our DSLR as a way to get out of the house and have some down time. 

4) I will not allow nasty comments. If you can't be polite, move along.  I am writing this simply because I need an outlet for the experiences  I am going through, and because the few people I know in similar situations and I have trouble finding others dealing with this sort of thing. It's a place to get ideas, not insults. I really appreciate when people can have differing opinions without getting rude - I find I grow more when I am challenged to think about something in a different way.

Anyway, thanks for reading so far!


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