
Today was B's first OT appointment, and as a result, I finally have some better information on what to do to help him!  To be perfectly honest, I'm a bit overwhelmed at everything we are, and will be, doing for Ben. It seems the whole of every day is devoted to him, at the expense of everyone/thing else in my life. I'm hoping that soon it will become rote and just what we do, and not such a Big Thing. Anyway, on to the session!

When we arrived at the OT's B was thrilled to know he was going into The Green Room. When he had his evaluation a few months ago, we were in The Blue Room and he has been desperate to find out what was behind the door with the green square!

He was able to explore the room to check everything out while Emma (the OT) got things sorted for the session.  Then B got to pick out a few activities from a bunch that selected for him.  He chose the tire (big inflated donut hanging from the ceiling), puzzle, bean bin and therapy ball.

The tire, he was able to jump on, and through, and swing on and fall off of - over and over - while Emma and I chatted about things.  He was in heaven. He's VERY much a bump and crash sensory seeker!

Then he had to take apart the puzzle, take all the pieces up to a platform via ladder and sit there and wait for instructions.  She gave him an obstacle course to follow - go down the slippery dip (slide), under the platform swing, over the wedge ramp, and through the tire, then put the puzzle piece in, and start over.  You could just see that he had a great time, and even though he was working his body hard, it wasn't a manic, or frenzied activity.

Then he played in a box full of dried broad beans, looking for little plastic toys, followed by some "funny walking" - like a crab and kicking the therapy ball back and forth from that position.  Then we had some pressure lessons with the brush and joint compression.

You could see he was responding VERY well to what he was doing, which gives me some hope that with repetition, he will be able to organise himself.

Emma was happy to know that we have been using a structured schedule (more on that here), and said that it would be fairly easy to incorporate the sensory diet into the day we have already.  Already tonight, I've seen some success with the addition of brushing and joint compression to our nightly routine. The boys settled into bed far quicker than they have recently!  I have a lot to think about and plan over the next few days!

Which brings me to a bit of a tangent: the Mister and I have our "date night" tonight (on the lounge, in front of the TV. We're such party animals. lol) so I will hit "Publish" and walk away from the computer and all things SPD and kid-related for a few hours.

What have you done for yourself, and/or your relationship, recently? I've recently made a promise to myself that I will make time for myself (via exercise and physio) and for my marriage, via these "Date Nights" when we usually watch NCIS and NCIS:LA. It's a chance for the Mister to get away from work for a bit, and for us to just BE together without doing anything. It's been hard for me, because there is SO much to do...but it will be there in a few hours.

Even if you take just a few minutes, take some time for yourself today. Dance around the house to your favourite song, take a quick walk and get some fresh air, or take a nice bath. Whatever you do, just enjoy it and be IN the moment!


  1. Bri said...

    The OT appt sounds like it was really productive! Awesome stuff. Did you feel like she 'gets it'?

    And your date night sounds great. Enjoy!

  2. Renee said...

    I do think she gets it, probably more than I do, thankfully! I also feel good knowing that things I have been trying myself have been "right" for lack of a better term - like squeezing his arms (like a tube of toothpaste) when he's agitated and stuff. Nice though to get more ideas that might work better, and in a shorter time!

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