Learning and socialisation

I've mentioned before that B is a very social child. Overly social in some respects. Doesn't understand the concept of "Stranger danger" at. all.

It worries me. When he was younger I worried he would trust the wrong person when he was older. Now I still worry about that, but I also worry that his feelings will be hurt. He's very sensitive, and doesn't really understand that not everyone is his friend, and not everyone thinks he's clever.

Doesn't understand that there are a whole mess of people who feel children should be seen and not heard. Who don't think he's clever and cute. So far, most of the people he's come in contact with think he's great, and it makes me happy that they're so open to talking to him.

B loves - LOVES - to have conversations with "growmups" because we have all the answers. Other kids don't know much about the workings of the world, and he needs to know everything about the world.

He knows how a piston engine works. He knows what the insulators on power wires are. He knows a lot of things that a 5 year old probably shouldn't...and if YOU don't know what it is, he is more than happy to tell you all about it. In detail.

Right now he's obsessed with Juicers. I have no idea where he even heard of juicers, but that's what he's all about lately.  Tomorrow we're going to someone's house who has a juicer.  I may have to warn her that she's going to have to answer a lot of questions... lol

My biggest challenge with B is to teach him how to appropriately share space with other people. He's very intense and often can't shift from his focus/need/interest to see what else is going on around him.

So in effect I have a social child who has no idea how to be around other people. Thankfully at the moment he's cute and young and people tend to love his thirst for knowledge. But I know that soon it's going to change. I'm going to get more "looks" and he's going to be getting more negative attention. Which will hurt his feelings.

I'm hoping that the people we are surrounding ourselves with, through the homeschooling network,  will give him a soft place to land. Where he can be himself, where the "growmups" will understand, because their kids are like this too.


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